Saturday, August 05, 2006

Summer is going, going, gone.

Sadly, my summer vacation is almost over. That'll probably mean less time for knitting/crocheting, more time for studying. Bah humbug.

Anyway, I have been doing a lot of knitting as of late.
I made another illusion scarf for a friend, started knitting 'Print O' the Waves' stole by Eunny Jang,
made a modified version of Katja, and am in the process of completing another consecutive beaded i-cord necklace from Alice Bell's blog.

Other than that, not much is going on.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


No... I didn't abandon my brand-new blog.
I hesitate to update because I'm pretty sure nobody really looks at it anyway.
I'd be happy to update more often if anybody still looks.
If there are any lurkers out there- speak up now.

Meanwhile, I've had a bevy of things- crafty things- going on.
Let's see... I made another Debbie Bliss Junior Knits seed-stitched bag for Tina, and another for me.
I dyed some Knitpick's merino wool (white) with Black Cherry Kool-aid. Mmm. Yummy colors.
But now I am officially tired of making the same bag thrice. I'm not planning on going for another. XD

After that was the Mrs. Beeton's for Laurel as a commission. It's also yarn from Knitpicks. It was the Shadow in 'Oregon Coast', I think. I dyed that also with Kool-aid, this time with Tropical Punch. I always believed that it would look way too bright red, but it's so perfect. Beautiful, really.

Lastly, I just finished Ysolda's Skull Illusion scarf yesterday. It's bright turquoise (the skulls/crossbones) and black (the background). It's so lovely. I used Lion Brand's Microspun- a ball of each color and got five repeats done on it. I think it needs a backing, since the thing curls up even after blocking. It's great timing too, since I plan on wearing it to tomorrow's outing. Nirja, Laurel, and I all are planning to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 together! I have a black Jack Sparrow shirt that I think looks lovely with the scarf- just perfect. I look so indie. XD I think I also forgot to mention that the scarf is actually for my brother - I'm stealing it. Shhhh.

Okay. I think I've bored you all to death.
Pictures? Maybe someday.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I've been on a crazy creativity spluuurge.
So. Here are the results of that.

The scarf and purse are for a friend's birthday (in October). It's never too late to get started, now. ;-;

The pink seed-stitched purse!


Inside! :o

Onto the flower-crochet scarf! (it's black to counter off the pinkness in the above item).
This one is rather blurry. But it's to show the entirety of it.

Up close:

Now, onto my recents. I've been obsessed with making stuff out of synthetic felt. It's really easy to work with, and when I sew the stuff together, it's small so I don't get too frustrated. Heheh.

The first one I made is a purple (the photo doesn't quite show the color) bag. It's blanket-stitched on the sides, and the green leaves are there by a simple running stitch.

The second one was made this morning, in about 2-3 hours. It's the first thing I did this morning, actually. ;-;
It's a bit smaller than the one above. Sooo cute. [and sorry for the grainy-ness of the picture. I suppose the felt texture did that...]

Cool right?

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I haven't abandoned knitting or crocheting, I promise.
My internet has been in and out, and so has blogger.
Ah well.

I have a new pattern! Hoohah.

My kitty ear headband (picture below).

The base:

Ch about 12 sts (or desired amount) with a size 5 needle, keeping in mind that this will be the width. Sc a rectangle until about 7 in. long. Finish off, weave in ends.

The ears:

Ch about 14 sts and sc up until the ear is as long as it is wide (a square). Finish off, leaving a long tail. Using the two top corners of the square, fold one on top of the other to make a triangle, and sew in place using the tail. Make one more ear. Using the cast on tail ends, sew both ears evenly spaced onto the base.

The ties: Ch a long chain until at least 12 in. long. Finish off, cutting the tail off one end short, the other left long. Using the long tail, sew into the middle of the short end of the base. Repeat for the other side.

More pictures:

One is blurry. D:

Saturday, May 13, 2006


So, the week's been a little hectic. Not that it's of any importance...
Anyway, I got a little knitting in today and a bit of yesterday.
I made a knitted bunny off a pattern from HeartStrings.
It is instant gratification.
I was making a sample one to see how it turned out. Ubhdsfjsf. I ended up using this ugly colored yarn (the super cheapo kind that sells for like 1$...), because I had so much of it left over from my Harry Potter scarf. Ee. Now I have a mustard colored bunny, but hey, it's okay. I'll probably take pictures and whatnot laters...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Oh, okay.

So Nirja left me a pretty little comment. :D
To answer your question, this blog will probably have links to other people's blogs, free patterns and whatnot, projects we want to do, etc.
Oh, the endless possibilities.

Aaaand. That is my lovely knitted kitty-band!
It's seed stitched and blah, blah. I ended up making a newer version that's crochet. It's now a lot stiffer and holds the ears up nicely.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Welcome to n00bville!

Right, well. I'm Ange, sharing this here blog with Scarlett.
Hopefully, the knitting community will accept us with open arms. Hehe.

A little bit about me:
I live in McKinney, Texas, which is in the Dallas area.
I've been knitting somewhat avidly since this past winter... it makes me a total sucker for free patterns, heh.
Even though my past projects have been quite successful, I've got a long way to go to develop some new techniques and get better at this. Shortrow, intarsia... wtf? Sometimes one can't be bothered to read up on something she doesn't understand. XD

That should be adequate a blog entry enough..
Ange, out.